MONTREAL, August 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ – Montreal-based Puzzle Medical Devices Inc. (PMD) developed a percutaneous heart pump designed to support cardiac and renal function in patients with advanced heart failure (HF). PMD announced it will present its first-in-human results for the ModulHeartTM in the following session during the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) meeting held September 16-19, 2022 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center in Boston, MA:
Saturday, September 17, 9:44 AM EDT Room: Innovation Theater, Room 210, Level 2, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center “Assembling the Safest Solution for Hemodynamic Support in Heart Failure (Puzzle Medical)” by Dr. Philippe Généreux, from Morristown Medical Center, New Jersey, USA.
Four patients had ModulHeartTM deployed to provide circulatory support while undergoing high-risk percutaneous coronary intervention procedures. All patients experienced improvements in cardiac and kidney function. Additionally, the ModulHeart device was successfully deployed, activated, and removed, with no procedural or device-related complications.
Puzzle Medical designed the ModulHeartTM device for patients with advanced HF who are not candidates for heart transplant or surgical mechanical circulatory support. The device’s modular design allows for hemodynamic support through multiple pumps anchored in parallel in the descending aorta. The design is expected to enable safe percutaneous implantation, with low risk of bleeding, stroke, and pump thrombosis, while providing sustained symptom relief, reduced re-hospitalizations and improved overall quality of life.
About Puzzle Medical Devices Inc.
Puzzle Medical Devices Inc. (www.puzzlemed.com) is developing the ModulHeart, a modular percutaneous heart pump for patients with advanced HF that has received FDA Breakthrough Device Designation. The initial indication being pursued for the ModulHeart device is for in-hospital therapy of acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF).
Caution: the ModulHeart is not approved and not for sale in any geography.